Ref.ID is a digital platform that allows you to share links and earn points and commissions for every link you share. Not only that, but you will also get a free website and comprehensive statistics that are highly beneficial for developing your business and promoting your media.
Try it for free will link video, articles, websites, online stores, marketplaces, seminar forms, and all links related to the online world!
Get users to access more detailed and relevant product information.
Share with friends and earn bonus points and commissions for every link you share!
Use your links on various social media platforms for your customers.
The advantage is that you can get all the features easily without the need to use many separate tools. Every shared link can earn rewards and you can know who opened and shared your link again.
Benefits for Business Owners and Content Creators
You can use as a means to promote your products and services to your target market without having to spend a huge amount on advertising that could make you lose due to high advertising costs but uncertain results. With, you can promote your products/services effectively and ensure profits because you only incur fees/commissions from the links that actually sell.
For Content creators, will help spread your content links to many people through referrals from members.
Benefits for Visitors and members
Every logged-in visitor will get free membership and receive a free website, points, and commissions. With the referral system, you will earn income from every shared referral link without any limit.
In a simple and easy way, after registering, you will get a free website to facilitate sharing benefits through the links you share.
Kisah-kisah indah yang disajikan dalam buku ini merefleksikan sifat dan watak asli bangsa Arab, seperti tingkah laku mereka, sifat dermawan, keberanian, kejujuran, ketulusan hati, kekecutan hati, penghianatan. Selain itu, kisah-kisah di dalam buku ini juga merefleksikan peran kaum perempuan dalam kehidupan bangsa Arab. Harapannya, buku ini dapat memperbaiki citra buruk kehidupan bangsa Arab pada umumnya dan citra perempuan Arab yang ditampilkan dalam dongeng 1001 malam.Lebih jauh lagi, kisah-kisah yang disajikan dalam buku ini tidak hanya sekedar ringan dan menghibur, namun juga mengandung nilai-nilai kehidupan yang dapat clijadikan bahan renungan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kelebihaln lainnya adalah sifatnya yang tidak menggurui, karena nilai-nilai tersebut begitu bersahajadan bersahabat dengan imajinasi.
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