Manusia tidak mungkin berpikir tanpa otak. Tapi manusia mempunyai kemampuan untuk berpikir tanpa mikir dengan sangat mudah. Siapa pun bisa melakukannya, termasuk Anda!Semua orang memiliki kemampuan yang jauh lebih tinggi daripada yang mereka pikirkan. Sayangnya, banyak di antara mereka yang tidak tahu bahwa mereka memiliki kelebihan itu. Karena tidak mengetahuinya, mereka juga tidak tahu cara menggali dan mengembangkannya. Buku ini mengajak pembaca untuk mengenali kemampuan luar biasa pikiran bawah sadar dan memori jangka panjang yang sangat dahsyat.Tentang Eka Wartana:The author of MindWeb, Eka Wartana, was born in Bali, in a small town, Tabanan, on February 19, 1951. He has over 30 years experience in various managerial positions. Started as an Executive Trainee in Trakindo Utama, Caterpillar heavy equipment dealer in Indonesia, he passed the 2-year program as the Best Executive Trainee. Soon after the completion of the program in 1979, he was assigned as the Branch Manager in Jambi, Sumatera.Jambi was the location where MindWeb was born. He created the MindWeb concept there, triggered by complex operational matters in the daily jobs. It was begun with his drawing to give pictures of the whole situation of the collection problem at that time. All relevant information was written down and he tried to find out the relationship between the information. Its shape was like a spider web. The problem was solved easily using the concept. This concept was then applied in his career. The MindWeb concept has given him plenty advantages in various applications of management and the other general matters.The MindWeb concept was also used when he was sent to the Asian Institut of Management (AIM), Manila, The Philippines for Management Development Program (MDP) ...
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