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Teori Organisasi (Seri Bacaan Pascasarjana)

Teori Organisasi (Seri Bacaan Pascasarjana)

KUTIPAN-KUTIPAN DARI DALAM BUKU "Bureaucary is a rational instrument of domination that the ruling class over other social classes" - Marx Organisasi adalah battle-field rill-tempatnya ideologi, keimanan, dan rasionalitas berbenturan. "Scientific management is not any efficiency device... lt is not a new system of figuring costs". - Taylor "Understanding human behavior is fundamental to understanding how organization function, whether they are profit-making firms, non-profit enterprises, or government agencies..." Jensen & Meckling "...what are traded on the market are not, as is often supposed by economists, physical entities but the rights to perform certain actions and the rights which individuals possess are established by the legal system" - Coase *** Topik-topik yang dibahas di dalam buku ini, antara lain: Taylorisme, Teori Kontinjensi, Teori Keagenan, Teori Institusionalisme, teori Ekologi Populasi, Resource Dependence Theory, Resource Mobilization Theory, Teori Motivasi, Reinforcement Theory, Posmodernisme, ldeologi New Left, Anarkisme, Kelompok Anti Korporasi, addicted gambler theory, dan lain-lainnya.

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